Healthy relationships are highly valued in the Bilisht church. Members are equipped to build relationships as they serve the community.

The local people are friendly, curious, and open to conversation with Americans. Crestwood Pastor Rob Burns (left) and Elder Jim Scorzelli (right) along with David and Martha Wild enjoyed fellowship with church and community members on a recent mission trip. If you would like to participate in the next trip to Bilisht planned for 2022, contact David Wild. (dmwild345@gmail.com)

In 2017 Crestwood sponsored a VBS in Bilisht, evangelized, prayed/conversed/participated in Bible study with adults, visited house churches, enjoyed a day where new believers were baptized in a beautiful lake, visited a regional camp, and explored the area

The Evangelical Church of Bilisht meets in a building that overlooks the town of 8,000 nestled in the hills of southeastern Albania close to the border with Greece.

Martha Wild (left) offered encouragement to the women of the church during a recent short-term mission trip.

Crestwood Pastor Rob preached during a recent mission trip to Bilisht.

As with children the world over, enjoying some fun during Vacation Bible School brings out the smiles.